A New Day in the Marine Corps

Training and Doctrine Command (TRACOM) is charged with the development and update of all Marine Training Manuals, Classes and MOS Certifications. Under TRACOM are the Marine Branch Directors, experts in their fields that have volunteered to share that knowledge with their fellow marines. They each oversee a College in the UFS Marine Academy that contains all of the classes needed for the MOS Certifications of the Corps. TRACOM also offers its experience to all Chapters that need advice on developing a more authentic setting for their Marines.
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Jonathan Wilson


Another glorious day in the Corps!
A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm.
Every meal's a banquet!
Every paycheck a fortune!
Every formation a parade!
I LOVE the Corps!
- Apone, Aliens

Jonathan enters his security code and the door to the Commanding Officer, United Federation Marine Corps Training and Doctrine Command's office hisses open. He walks in and inspects the layout, an exact copy from his past right down to a dusty name plaque on front edge of his glass top desk. He dusts off the chair and sits down.

"Computer, authenticate security clearance, Wilson Alpha-One-Fiver-Fiver"

"Security Clearance recognized. Welcome back Brigadier General Wilson."

Now to see what we have to work with.....

{End Roleplay}
"Hello boys, .... I'm Back!"
- Russell Casse

Greetings Marines,
Yes, the rumors are true, like General MacArthur I've returned to the offices I love so deeply. I'm back to bring the Essence of what it is to be a Marine in the United Federation Starfleet Marine Corps, no matter if you are a Multiverse Role-player, Non-Sector 001 Simmer, or Non-Sector 001 Local Meeting Marine. I've got a plan to make this the best Starfleet Marine Experience in all of the Star Trek Fan Organizations.

The first item on my agenda is to tackle the current courses offered via the UFS Academy. I'm working with Rear Admiral Toocool on restructuring the current TRACOM and will most likely be retiring the current MBT Exams in favor of newer exams. I'm also going to expand our classes to cover the concepts needed to fully understand what it is to be a United Federations Starfleet Marine Corps Infantryman and be able to grow that role by taking additional courses and getting additional certifications.

Right now I'm going to cut the focus of TRACOM down to dealing with the Development of the skills of every Marine to know what is needed to join, create, and run a Marine Detachment of any size. This means classes on not only the Role-play or Simming aspect of Being a Marine, but also classes on the day to day operations of Marine Detachments.

In parallel with developing these new courses, I'm going to be updating the Marine Sections of the United Federation Starfleet Wiki to bring them current to our Manuals.
Pyro Blazewood


Well, That answers that question. Welcome back boss
Jonathan Wilson


Pyro Blazewood wrote:
Well, That answers that question.
What Question is that. I'm working to get a feel for what the current status of the Corps is as well as developing the growth of the Corps.
Pyro Blazewood


Jonathan Wilson wrote:
Pyro Blazewood wrote:
Well, That answers that question.
What Question is that. I'm working to get a feel for what the current status of the Corps is as well as developing the growth of the Corps.
Question being whom was getting the post
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